
Tag Archives: WTF

Dark humor, isn’t it? Well I think so.

Let me explain.

I was riding in an elevator in Singapore, when just to the right of the LED floor number sign my eye catches something.

First thing I think is that my mind is playing tricks on me, that my lack of constant submersion in American pop-culture has left me seeing things.

So I do a double take, and move my gaze back to the sign. And even then I do not believe it.

I was in the elevator with two other people, a local and another expat. The expat noticed my current dilemma, and decided to explain. (He was American as well.) What he said is that this is actually a major company in Singapore that engineers and produces elevators. And that many, many other expats have pointed out the obvious connection the name of the company has with a certain film.

For those of you that have been living in a hole (Or at least not anywhere near the US.) the “certain film” I refer to is Schindler’s List, starring a young(er) Liam Neeson. The best way to sum up this movie, without any spoilers, is in one word, holocaust.

So an elevator being branded by a company called “Schindler Lifts” evokes a very queer image. I mean come on, seriously. Move two letters around in the company name and you have one of the darkest heart wrenching movies of 90’s.

Even if this company was named BEFORE the movie became popular (And by popular I mean it won; 7 Academy Awards, 7 BAFTAs, 3 Golden Globes, Listed 8th on AFI’s 100 Best American Movies of All Time list.) as the CEO there comes a time when you need to say to yourself, “Well damn, time to change our name.”