
Tag Archives: Spicy

I’m going to share with you my very own secret method for eating food in Singapore.

I like to call it the “Point and Pray” method of ordering.

That is the general scheme of a menu here in Singapore, above every ordering counter is a lit up wall of pictures and numbers. Every once in a while you may see an actual menu, but even then they all have pictures.

The reason they do this is simple, here in Singapore there are just too many languages floating around here. There are four, that’s right FOUR, national languages in Singapore. And each language has its own type of cuisine that has its own culturally named food. So unless you happen to be lucky and speak the same language as the chef you’re ordering from you almost always end up pointing at a picture.

Except sometimes that might not be enough the chef might ask you a question, which could be about one of a thousand different things. Try as you might to understand him or her it all basically comes down to a flip of a coin, because I can guarantee you will just take a risk and blurt out yes or no without really knowing what you’re agreeing to.

It’s like a game of Russian roulette, except you’re playing with your digestive system. Fortunately, like I said previously, Singaporeans take great pride in making their food so I have never had a bad meal here. Which is surprising because in general the flavours (The fancy side of grammar.) of Singapore tend to be either spicy or face-melting-ly hot.

Oh and have I mentioned there’s always some type of egg in your meal?