
Tag Archives: Insight

Maybe it’s just me but I feel that whenever you go to a new place or country the general idea is that you’re going someplace “exotic”. Somewhere you never thought you could go or would go. For me that place is Singapore, obviously. It’s literally half a world away from where I live in America. Go ahead check it.

So that would make America normal or ordinary. I wouldn’t go so far as to say average but it’s in the dictionary as the antonym of exotic so it’s possible.

Which is why this shocked me.


Yeah as ignorant as it seems I was shocked to see America being advertised by this travel agency as “exotic”. But then again this place where you get used to the humidity, the fast and easy MRT or the food here, I guess I can see how it might be a drastic change from the “ordinary” for the average Singaporean. Who am I to judge, here near the equator something as simple (to me at least) such as snow IS exotic. (Bold, italics and caps so you know I’m being super serious.)

Now saying all that, I have to admit I let out a giggle or two when I read this. Then after having embarrassed myself calmly walked away from the store front, circled around and quickly took this picture. As if I didn’t look like a tourist already I was doing laps around a small mini mall while giggling and taking pictures.