
Tag Archives: Hotels

Buffet Dinner at Furama RiverFront, desserts.

So much sugar.

The buffet at Furama was one of my first meals here in Singapore, if you don’t count the airline food. (Congrats to Singapore Airlines actually, first meal on a plane that was good and had generous portion sizes, the free alcohol was a plus too.) So it might not have been the most “local” of foods but I was brand new in Singapore without a place to truly call my own. So the travel down to the dining room in the hotel was enough of an adventure for my first day. Call me a bad expat if you want, but trust me this food was delicious.

One of the first things you notice at the buffet is the amazing amount of nationalities represented in the cooking. Pretty much every Asian country had its own dish, along with some European course thrown in for those with picky palates.

This was my first first-hand example of how blended the cultural identity of Singapore really is; it truly is a hub for all APAC countries. I had seen the normal internet sites about how more than 40% of the workforce in Singapore were non-citizens. But to actually see it amazed me, and another little tidbit of information is that the unemployment rate in Singapore is constantly low, around 2% right now, so what 40% of the workforce being non-citizens really means is that nearly half of EVERYONE you see in Singapore is a non-citizen or expat for short.

What this creates is a multitude of different culinary desires by all these non-native peoples. Apparently going to Singapore is a one stop shop for Asian food, so be warned if you aren’t really a fan. But if you are then you hit the jackpot.

Okay back to the buffet.

As I said everything was fantastic, the flavors were better than anything I had in America. I thought it strange that there was so much egg involved in all the dishes but more on that later. But the most fan-freaking-tastic part of the meal was the desert station. As you can see it was massive, and this is only the part with the cakes. They had a separate section dedicated to pastries and to ice cream.

The weird thing was that as familiar as dessert is to Americans, these flavors were completely new to me. One ice cream flavor that comes to mind is the durian flavor. Which is a whole other experience in and of itself, I decided to man up and try some of the odorous ice cream. I’m glad I tried it just to say I survived but it wasn’t my cup of tea.

Beware the smell sticks to your tongue.