Singapore Public Announcement Thursdays – Round 2!

I hope you all enjoyed last week’s posting and found it amusing. (If not then hopefully you thought it was educational, maybe?) Anyways here is this week’s addition!

This is a sign you can find in pretty much all major MRT stations. It depicts a little girl (Let’s call her Sally.) pointing out that she is too tall to ride the MRT for free.

What I think is weird is that the girl is the one pointing this out. I’m used to the, “You must be this tall to ride xxxxx” that can be found in all of America’s theme parks. And having been a volunteer at a local county fair for more than half my life I know for a fact that no one, and I mean no one, be them parents or children, has voluntarily pointed out being over a height limit (Or age limit) if it would cost them more money. You normally have to trick them somehow, like ask them their birthday or how tall they are (When people are put on the spot, odds are they will slip up).

Here in Singapore I could absolutely see a young Sally about to go through a ticket stall but then turning to her mom and saying, “Mummy, I’m above 0.9m tall. I need a ticket to get in.”

And yes in my mind that child has a very British accent when she speaks.

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